Kumbo Development and Orientation Centre - KUDOC 

(+237) 654 819 943

Presentation of KUDOC


The Kumbo Development and Orientation Center – KUDOC is a Cameroon based Non-Governmental Organization created in 1999 by Dr. Banadzem Joseph Lukong. KUDOC is impacting the lives of over 1.5 million people in Education, Health, Water Sanitation and Hygiene, Agriculture, Women Empowerment, Humanitarian Response, Outreach to People Living with Disabilities, Gender Based Violence, Child Protection, Environmental Awareness, Inter-Religious Peace Building, Clean Renewable Energy and Volunteering programs in over 100 remote villages and slumps across villages in Kumbo – Bui Division and Cameroon.


In 1999, a constituent assembly was convened and the creation of KUDOC was its outcome. In February 2000, documents were forwarded to the Cameroon Administration for legalization and authorization in conformity with Law No. 90/053 of December 1990 amended by Law No. 99/011 of July 1999 relating to Tax Exempt, Charity and Non-Governmental Organizations. This finally got approval and KUDOC is registered under No. E26/Ps/118/208.


Creating self-awareness and empowering the underprivileged.